Saturday 23 February 2013

Creativity for Wellbeing

Stitching Together at Carlisle YMCA
So, we've been a quiet over here recently but here are some pictures to get you up to speed with the project and you can always follow us on Facebook for more up to date information! We spent this afternoon at Carlisle YMCA delivering a session as part of their new Creative Wellbeing project. Over the coming weeks they are offering free sessions in a wide range of creative disciplines including jewellery making, writing, printing and drumming. It's a great opportunity to learn something new and make some new friends.

Which was why it seemed like a great opportunity to take our community quilt project down. We had a lovely afternoon stitching away and getting to know each other. The whole idea behind the quilt was to bring people together and I think this session really succeeded in doing this. We made some new friends and hopefully have found some more people we can go and work with.

Earlier in the day I went down to Tullie House to see where our quilt can be displayed, there's a great big space in the atrium just crying out for a big friendship quilt! Between 11th and 15th March we will be in the community room at Tullie House so if you'd like to get involved please come on down. You can contact us through our facebook page or through this blog for more information.