Thursday 14 March 2013

Patching things up

Spelling it out
Exciting times, today we started sewing together some of the fantastic patches that have been made so far. By the end of play today we had the three strips that make up one of the quilt panels almost all sewn up, which is pretty good going.

Stitching the strips of patches
As you can see from the top picture we are progressing well with our letter patches, which will spell out the name of the project; stitching friendship. Just a few more letters to go!

Hard at work with the letter (and the drink) 't'

Letter detail

Working on the 's'

True to form there was also much chatting and tea drinking as well as some serious stitch business. We even managed to lure one of the Tullie House staff team in to help us reach our target of 80 patches.

Yesterday I taught Helen T how to make Dorset wheel buttons so today we made a few more of those too, just because they're pretty!

Helen and the long thread

The finished button

The finished buttons

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